
Here's my short story as a writer, composer, and programmer.

I started to compose a music and make my first music composition when I was in the first year of my high school. Both "Stars" and "Lanterns" are my first compositions. I loved it because it could calm someone's heart and make someone feels better. So then, I composed my two other compositions, "Lights" and "Fireflies", when I was in the second year and third year of my high school.

After I graduated from my high school, I got attracted to learn programming and took my Bachelor Study in Software Engineering in my university due to my mom's suggestion, and later, I got a side job as a frontend and backend developer in a Rotterdam Health Company. Then, I took my Master Study in Information Security in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), but it only lasted for one semester, before I had to fully take care of my mom due to her pyloric cancer at that time, and I decided to discontinue and leave my Master Study.

Months later, my mom's condition was getting worse, and not even a single doctor could cure her even though she had been hospitalized for fifteen months, before one day, she passed away. It changed me a lot when she had gone as we only lived just two of us in this house. So then, I decided to develop my writing skill and write my first book, which was my semi-autobiography high school novel, Lanterlova, to express my love to her, my first and only love.